It happened again, with this image. Sometimes, when I start to name an image, a name pops into my mind immediately, but I don’t know why. My subconscious seems to be naming it. When this occurs, I use the name that came, but then I have to explore what going on in me to have the name pop up for the particular picture.
“Come Home”. How interesting that this name comes during the time of the coronavirus when many of us are already staying home. I have certainly thought more about “home” these days--about what it means to be home, and to have time just to be. I know I am very blessed to have a safe, comfortable home and to share it with a dearly loved person. I also know that this is not true for everyone—specifically not for the “front line” and other essential workers these days. And not everyone has a home, much less one that is safe for them.
I regularly volunteer at Thistle Farms, a ministry whose mission is to offer a second chance at life to women who have survived trafficking, prostitution, and addiction. They provide a safe and supportive place to live, a meaningful job and a life-long sisterhood of support. Their slogan is “Love heals”. Before Covid-19 appeared and we began sheltering at home, on Wednesday mornings Thistle Farms had a Circle for residents, workers, guests and volunteers. There they lit a candle for the woman or man who is still on the streets suffering, to help them find their way home.
Perhaps “Come Home” is an invitation for all of us to dive deeper into what it means to come home. Are we at home in ourselves? Are we living in ways that embody our deepest values? Are we being the light that is needed for the world to become what we dream the world can be?
This image invites all of us to “Come Home”. What does that mean for you?